產品分類:書籍、文具、DVD - 影音DVD - 音樂CD、演唱會DVD - 映象唱片
Catwalk Glamour 靚履迷蹤3 -
$438 |
Catwalk Glamour 靚履迷蹤3 - 商品詳細現況請由以下連結進入 Yahoo 購物中心確認喔 :) |
catwalk glamour 靚履迷蹤3
*凱莉米洛胞妹dannii minogue、只要女孩女主唱tracey thorn嫵媚性感登台 *收錄tiefschwarz、bob sinclar、samantha james、dennis ferrer、trentemoller 等全球電音icon 超時尚音樂配件 |
映象唱片領軍hmv / amazon全球音樂零售據點,零時差同步上秀
在時尚的世界裡,除了對流行的高度敏銳,你更需要成為鎂光燈的唯一焦點。走上《catwalk glamour》系列炫目舞台,以音樂與全球時尚同步接軌!《catwalk glamour 3》引流雙cd穿梭貓道雙舞台,onstage中以摩登電氣步伐開道,恣意穿梭名模臉上〈i’m feelin u〉的funky house狂野表情;性感女神凱莉米洛胞妹dannii minogue的新單曲〈touch me like that〉絲毫不見遜於凱莉的嬌嗔性感;德國電音兄弟檔tiefschwarz邀來everything but the girl女主唱tracey thorn助唱的〈damage〉燃燒著時尚科技風。soul shaker擁ce ce peniston跨刀的〈shame shame shame〉,更以不斷重複的「shame on you」語句,像是嘲弄著盲目追求流行都會男女的紙醉金迷!場景拉回backstage,以downtempo/house/deep house錯置組成,運用英國緩拍系電氣組合sounds from the ground代表作品〈move on〉,以downtempo與迷情vocal交織,沉澱了出場前的緊張之情。〈island breeze〉不遑多讓請來哥本哈根奇才trentemoller;而electro-pop三姝client則以〈it’s not over〉包裹強勁的tech house外衣。20首當代音樂單品,宛如穿搭得宜的時尚配件,在眼光獨具的時尚人眼中,有著心領神會的流行脈絡,一場關於音樂與時尚的霓裳風暴,零時差同步上秀! |
cd1 onstage - the show (morden‧house‧deep house) 01.tiefschwarz feat. tracey thorn – damage (the buick project remix)[試聽] 02.troydon & dacosta - new york minute (original mix)[試聽] 03.candy - ride on time 2008 (original club mix)[試聽] 04.bob sinclar & cutee b feat. gary pine & dollarman - sound of freedom (kurd maverick remix)[試聽] 05.alfred azzetto feat. geneive allen - colors are forever (vincent valler classic mix)[試聽] 06.cece peniston - i’m feelin u(ron carroll’s original bmc vocal)[試聽] 07.dennis ferrer feat. mia tuttavilla - touched the sky (yass remix)[試聽] 08.ultra nate - automatic (tikaro, j.louis & ferran mix)[試聽] 09.dannii minogue vs. jason nevins - touch me like that (jason nevins extended mix)[試聽] 10.soulshaker & ce ce peniston - shame shame shame (david morales mix)[試聽] cd2 backstage - after show (electronic‧house experience) 01.sounds from the ground feat. taz alexander - move on [試聽] pippi feat. rebeka brown - a new day [試聽] 03.boulevard feat. kristin berardi - on my own[試聽] 04.three minutes with mark murphy - secrets (shanti roots remix)[試聽] 05.kid massive & raoul feat. ijoema - island breeze (trentemøller remix)[試聽] 06.belladonna - melodies[試聽] 07.client - it’s not over (alex kiss & show-b remix)[試聽] 08.samantha james – rise (eric kupper remix)[試聽] 09.les adams feat. alexis - twist in my sobriety (gauzz remix)[試聽] 10.bob sinclar - champs elysees thems (jamie lewis remix)[試聽] |
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產品分類:書籍、文具、DVD - 影音DVD - 音樂CD、演唱會DVD - 映象唱片